Friday, March 6, 2009

Lala Music

Have you gone and visited yet?  Notice the songs on the side of my page?  These are examples of music that is available for free listening at Millions of songs are available for anyone to listen to 1 (one) time for free. LaLa will also give you the rights to add any 50 songs to your online collection. What does that mean?  It means you can listen to those 50 song as often as you want from any internet connection. 

Plus, there is a social networking aspect.  You can follow other people's musical tastes, and they can follow your's.  Great way to be exposed to either a wide range of music or more closely aquanted with the music you already like.  

There is no cost unless you decide you want to download or collect more than 50 songs.  When you get there, look me up, Username SBevis.  I look forward to listening to some good music with you all.  

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pandora Radio

Ever wished you could decide what music played on the radio?
Would you like to hear only music similar to what you like?
Pandora Radio is for you.
Click below for free internet radio.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Jesus Rides With Lil Mikey

A friend of our's whom we call Lil Mikey, washed windows at a church in our area. After the job was finished, the Pastor complimented him on a job well done. Lil Mikey asked if there was anything else he could do. The Pastor said he would appreciate it if Lil Mikey could take Jesus out of the church. Lil Mikey was speechless for a moment before asking just what the Pastor meant.

The pastor explained to Lil Mike that they wanted Jesus out of the church because they thought it was a little bit too much, too iconic. The Jesus in question, is a five foot tall, 450 pound statue, that has stood sentinal for years outside the church. Lil Mikey, with the help of a few others loaded Jesus in the back of his pickup truck, lying him down next to his extension ladders. The Pastor wanted Jesus to be left standing up in the back of the truck for all to see, but Lil Mikey wisely insisted on the prone position.

After taking Jesus to his house on South Washington Street, Lil Mikey stood him in the middle of three wooden crosses already erected in his yard. After sprucing Jesus's robe up with some leftover blue water-feature paint, and doing an admirable job on repainting the rest of the statue, Jesus now stands proudly.

Lil Mikey has a dog. Her name is Isabella. Isabella is a yellow Retriever of about one year of age. She has grown up at Lil Mikey's house and had never known Jesus until last week. When taken out for a walk, Isabella would stand at Jesus's feet and bark over and over at him. The good news? Isabella has accepted Jesus into her life and knows Jesus. My suggestion to Lil Mikey was to put Jesus into his truck when he goes window washing and rename his company, JESUS rides with me cleaning service.

Jesus Rides With Mikey

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Time flies when you are having fun

July is a busy month. Corn to pick. Jellies to make. Salsa to be put up. Whew! Daughter Elizabeth bought me a DAK 2800-PC Wav grabber for father's day. It is an interface that connects the record player with the computer. It lets you transfer albums to the computer, mark where the tracks start and end. Then, you can record to CD Rom.

Pretty neat stuff. I got to drag out the old vinyl albums. Starting to get the hang of it.

Check out Bill Hunt's page if you get the chance. There is some really funny stuff to be seen there. It will make you wonder if you get a funny telephone call.

That's all for now, but by now you know that there are some things that I don't understand. See ya.